Of more interest the History Guy might have explained what was done to counter all the corruption.
If he had we would know that the election in 2020 was the most corrupt and fraudulent since 1892. From the 1890’s up until the election of 2020 the United States used a method of voting to protect its democracy known as the Australian Ballot. The theory behind the Australian (secret) ballot is that it forestalls attempts to influence the voter by intimidation, blackmailing, and potential vote buying. For the ballot to be anonymous the voter must be observed by the poll worker and the Parties’ representatives (if desired) to vote in the privacy of the voting booth. It cannot be discretionary because the vote harvesters, ward heelers, and union bosses will coerce their subordinates to request “mail in ballots” if they are available so they can make sure they are filled out correctly.
In the 2020 election the only votes we “know” are legitimate are the ones which were cast in person at the election booth observed to be legitimate by the poll worker and the Parties representatives. All the others (46% of all votes cast in 2020) are at least “suspect” if not outright demonstrably fraudulent. The reason you vote in a booth is not to keep your vote from the poll workers who don’t know you, it is to make sure your family, neighbors, co-workers, and bosses don’t know how you vote. It allows you to vote your conscience and not what is publicly acceptable and do it without fear of retribution or being ‘cancelled’.
In voting reform, I have nothing against a voting season where Election Day is the last day of the season. With the precinct voter rolls being all on-line, I have no problem with out-of-precinct voting where the poll worker and the Party representatives can print out your precinct’s ballot as long as you vote inside a booth, on paper, observed to vote secretly. I would not be against mobile voting stations going out to supermarkets and malls where people can vote, but the actual voting has to be done inside a booth observed to be secret. If we don’t want to return to the corrupt voting processes of the 1800’s all mail-in and Internet voting must be eliminated. You must vote in person and be observed to vote privately.